Category Archives: Writing The Region

Insurance to Consider When Traveling

If you love to travel, you probably know how much insurance plays a role in your vacation. From car insurance, baggage insurance, to travel health insurance, there are various types of insurance to consider when you go on vacation. Here are some of the types of insurance to consider when you go on vacation.   1. Car insurance Car insurance is mandatory in almost every state of the United States of America. If you are going on a road trip, you will absolutely need car insurance. To ensure

Save big on your next trip with Groupon’s Travelocity deals

Groupon has come a long way since it shot to fame with its popular deal-a-day coupons for various retail stores and services. The site has built up a massive network of more than 9,000 retailers offering over 70,000 different online coupons. Travel bugs like us might be interested to learn that one of Groupon's newest partners is the online travel agency Travelocity. Travelling isn't exactly cheap, but it becomes a lot more affordable when you can make big savings on the costs of things like hotels

Groupon’s offering some big deals on Wellness treatments

We'd all like to spend our days relaxing at the spa, enjoying soothing massages and generally being pampered all day. Unfortunately though, the reality is that most of us cannot, simply because such services are so expensive that they can only be considered as luxuries. Well, the good news is that luxury no longer needs to be unaffordable. We recently stumbled across the new look Groupon's health and wellness section, and were amazed to see all manner of deals being offered on everything from

Forget Yellow Pages, get the best value with Groupon!

Most discount lovers can probably recall the great bargains to be had at Unfortunately, Groupon's discount-a-day coupons aren't as popular as they were in recent years, and that's led the company to get creative and look at new ways of promoting itself. Take a look at Groupon now and you'll be amazed to see the site is now effectively a full-fledged business listings directory, a bit like the old Yellow Pages. However, Groupon goes one step further than its new rival because, as users

The funnest sports to bet on around the world

Grown weary of wagering money on the same old sports? There is a wide variety of games to bet on these days that are far more exciting than the ones you've grown accustomed to. In this article, we will profile some of the funnest sports to bet on around the world... 1) Ice hockey Its popularity has been traditionally anchored to places where winter brings long nights and bitterly col temperatures, but don't let this bit of cultural inertia stop you from checking out an ice hockey game the

The 3 Best Historical Attractions In China

China is definitely one of the most culturally-rich countries in the world, with the best historical attractions in China only serving to reinforce that notion. With this Asian superpower boasting a storied history that spans through 5,000 years, tourists are bound to see remnants of the busy centuries of Chinese history. China’s historic landmarks and structures are among its best attractions as they reflect the roots of its customs and traditions during each of its eras. Below are three of

Things to Do in the Capital Region of the USA!

  There’s more to do than visit the White House When people talk of visiting the capital of the free world, they often envision taking tours of the White House, and nothing but. While Washington, DC has become known for this and other historical monuments, there are many other places to visit in the Capital Region. Speaking to Peter Stephens, CEO of dialaflight, Lisa Cooper of the Washington Tourist Office argued that the other states making up the Capital Region are wonderful in their

Top Reasons To Visit Tamarindo

Soaking up the sun and some peace and quiet are the top reasons to visit Tamarindo.  This distrito located on the North Pacific Coast of Costa Rica in the Guanacaste province is a beach bum and surfer dude’s paradise.  Once a quiet fishing town, Tamarindo is now one of the up and coming tourist destinations.  The top reasons to visit Tamarindo will tell you why: Easy access No more following confusing trails or off beaten tracks.  The way to Tamarindo is as easy as renting a car and