Tag Archives: North America

3 of the best beach towns in Mexico

While life in America can be stressful at the best of times, its always a comfort to know that some of the world's best tropical escapes are located within a relatively short flight of an air hub near you. Case in point: there are countless fishing villages and small towns located south of the border that will reset your brain and restore your soul, as the way life is lived in these places is a natural antidote to the side effects of life at home. Which destinations can be considered to be

Check Out: The Best Time To Visit Saint-Pierre And Miquelon

The best time to visit Saint-Pierre and Miquelon depends upon the tourist’s choice. Others prefer to visit every summer which has an average temperature of 61 degrees Fahrenheit. Fog is expected during months of June and July. Sunny, warm and pleasant conditions are expected every August and September; hence, the perfect months to visit Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. The best time to visit Saint-Pierre and Miquelon to enjoy their famous Saint-Pierre et Miquelon for Bastille Day is every July 14.